Our People

The 2020-2021 ACUADS Executive is listed below. Associate Professor Shane Hulbert is ACUADS' Public Officer.

The ACUADS 2024 Executive Board is listed below. Associate Professor Shane Hulbert is the Public Officer and Lucy Weekes is the Executive Officer.

 Associate Professor Veronika Kelly

Associate Professor Veronika Kelly


University of South Australia

Headshot of Lyndall Adams

Associate Professor Lyndall Adams

Deputy Chair

Edith Cowan University

Dr Janelle Evans

Dr Janelle Evans


Victorian College of the Arts,
University of Melbourne

 Associate Professor Spiros Panigirakis

Associate Professor Spiros Panigirakis


Monash University

Associate Professor Katherine Moline

Associate Professor Katherine Moline

Executive Member

University of New South Wales

Dr Simone Slee

Dr Simone Slee

Executive Member

Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne

 Professor Mitchell Whitelaw

Professor Mitchell Whitelaw

Executive Member

Australian National University

Headshot of Charles Robb

Dr Charles Robb

Executive Member

Queensland University of Technology

Headshot of Kit Wise

Professor Kit Wise

Executive Member

RMIT University

 Monte Masi

Monte Masi

Executive Member

Adelaide Central School of Art