ACUADS Executive Meeting (26 February 2007)

Posted on 26 Feb 2007

The ACUADS Executive meeting held at the Mercure Hotel, Brisbane on 26 February considered the following agenda items:

Review of ACUADS Membership Formula
The meeting noted that the combining of Schools at many of the member institutions reduces the number of potential members although the numerical numbers possibly may increase. The meeting also noted that some of the new combinations include non-art schools and that while some institutions were members as a faculty, Adelaide for example does not have faculties and the School of Art is the member.

Individual membership was also discussed and the meeting noted that individuals are members through their employing institution, but it was agreed that this fact needs promotion as it appears not to be understood. It was agreed that this was an important point to highlight in the next newsletter.

After some debate on a possible new methodology, the meeting agreed to finalise the position on this matter at the July Executive meeting so that the revised formula may be put to the September AGM.

Carrick Institute – Future ACUADS Application
The meeting agreed that an application to the Carrick Institute should be considered.

Possible topics identified were: studio based teaching in art and design education; cost based funding; infrastructure costs, new media and the benchmarking of PhDs in the creative arts.

Treasurer’s Report
The meeting was advised that following the transfer of the Treasurer position from Canberra to Melbourne, the new procedures were working well.

The meeting considered the Treasurer’s Report and agreed to ratify expenditure items since the last meeting of 11 December 2006 and noted the balance remaining to cover expenditure to 30 June 2007.

Annual Conference: Sydney, 26-28 September 2007
Professor Ian Howard, COFA, advised that the dates of the conference are confirmed as 26 to 28 September, 2007.

Professor Howard advised that the theme would be based around Research and they were proposing to invite member institutions to provide research for publication with the various research topics then being the subject matter of conference papers.

Committee members noted that parallel sessions and roundtable discussions also form part of the conference program.

The meeting noted that full details will be published on the Web with online registration.

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