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New awards for early career art & design staff

ACUADS is pleased to announce the creation of two new awards for early career art and design staff: the Innovative Teaching Award and Innovative Research Award. We’ve also introduced a $500 payment per award. We continue to offer awards for…

ACUADS 2015 Grant recipients

Congratulations to NAVA (National Association for the Visual Arts), DHARN (Design History Australia Research Network) and collaborators Dr Abdullah Al Mahmud and Dr Omar Mubin who were each awarded one of ACUADS first quick small grants. Funds will be used…

Research for Designers

ACUADS is pleased to share news of Gjoko Muratovski’s new publication: Research for Designers: A guide to methods and practice. The SAGE publication promises to be an essential toolkit for a design education and a must-have for every design student…

ACUADS supports DAAO WA expansion

Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO) is a collaborative research database. Earlier this year, ACUADS provided DAAO with a small quick grant to extend coverage of Western Australian practitioners. ACUADS supports WA content expansion

ACUADS announces new funding initiative

As part of ACUADS’ commitment to the art and design education sector, funding is currently available for initiatives of relevance and significance to our field. Up to five grants, of $1000-5000, may be awarded per year on a strictly one-off…


This year’s Annual General Meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2015 ACUADS Conference: 2.30pm, Thursday 24 September Jeffrey Smart Building University of South Australia Adelaide All conference delegates are welcome to attend. 2015 ACUADS AGM Agenda and Attachments

2015 ACUADS Postgraduate Scholarships

Congratulations to Eileen Larsen (James Cook University), Kimberley Pace (Edith Cowan University) and Sera Waters (University of South Australia) who have been named as this year’s ACUADS Postgraduate Scholars. They will receive $500 towards registration, travel and accommodation costs.